

History of Robert Bulloch (Bullock)

Born: 8 January 1838 at Glasgow, Renfrew, Scotland
Parents: James Bulloch and Isabella Dunn
Married: Maria Fife 30 January 1867 at Cedar City, Iron, Utah, USA
Died: 23 June 1903 in Cedar City, Iron, Utah, USA


Robert Bulloch was the eldest of six children born in a region of Scotland known as the Bulloch Hills, in the village of Barrhead (now part of Glascow). His parents welcomed missionaries Franklin D. Richards and his brother Samuel into their home, and became members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints June 15, 1847, being baptized by Elder Richards. Father. Mother, three children Christina, David and Robert were aboard the ship Carnatic when it departed Liverpool 20 Feb 1848 and arrived at New Orleans 20 Apr 1848. One-hundred-twenty members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were in this emigration company under the leadership of Elder Franklin D. Richards.

For thirteen days the Carnatic was tossed violently about in the Channel and Irish Sea, during which time nearly all the emigrants suffered more or less from seasickness. On Sunday, February 27th, the vessel was beating off Milford, and it was proposed by the captain, if the weather did not change, to put into Haven the next day, but she succeeded in clearing the cape and standing out to sea. Several times she ran so close upon the rocks and shoals, that the captain ordered put on all the sail she could bear, which made her roll and wallow in the seas with apparent madness; but the threatened danger was thereby avoided. This was the roughest part of the entire voyage. As soon as the elements and the seasickness would permit the emigrants were organized into such divisions as equalized the labor of cleaning, building fires, receiving water, maintaining watch, etc., among the men each day of the week. Regular hours were also appointed for prayer and meetings held on the Sabbath, when the sacrament was also administered. When the captain saw how diligent the Saints were in observing good orders, he laid aside the rigid formality of ship rules, and granted them every comfort and convenience which the vessel afforded. When warmer latitudes were reached, he also prepared shower baths and other baths which conduced much to the health and comfort of the company.

The entire month of March and the first two weeks of April were spent at sea and they reached the mouth of the Mississippi on April 17, and New Orleans on the nineteenth. So attached had the kindhearted captain become to the Saints which he had brought across the mighty deep, that he parted with them in tears, and the crew bestowed three cheers as the emigrants left the vessel. At New Orleans Elder Lucius N. Scovil, who had been appointed as Church emigration agent at the port, was on hand to receive the company, and no delay was caused by the custom house officers, who allowed the baggage to be landed without opening a single box, barrel or parcel of any kind.

The entire company of emigrants left New Orleans Sunday morning, April 23rd, on board the steamboat Mameluke, and, after a pleasant trip arrived at St. Louis Sunday afternoon, April 30th. As the Saints were counseled not to remain at St. Louis, all who had means to go to Pottawattamie lands, began at once to make preparations to continue the journey farther up the river... (Millennial Star, Volume X, page 203.) The Bulloch family, an Easton family, and the Stoddards, all from Scotland, remained in St. Louis. (David Kerr Stoddard, Daughters of Utah Pioneers) Isabella Dunn Bulloch died in July 1850 at St. Louis.

"In the Spring of 1851 about twelve of the Scotch families, including ours (the Bullochs), decided to move on toward Utah. Their outfits were secured in Saint Louis. Each family had two yoke of oxen and two cows. One team of the Bulloch's oxen were jet-black, named Buck and Luke, the other yoke or team were red, named Tom and Dine. The cows names were Pidie, a high strung, spotted red and white cow and Flecky, a brindle cow as gentle as a lamb. One man had two span of horses, the only horses in the company.

"After leaving St. Louis we traveled onward until we came to Council Bluffs where we were joined by others and organized into a large company. On our way to this point, going through timber and over rough and muddy roads my father [James] broke his wagon tongue. While we stopped to make another tongue the company with the exception of Brother Stoddard went on into camp. While we were waiting for father to find a suitable piece for a tongue I sat in the wagon with Robert [Bullock] and Tena [Christina] my Sister. I was fooling with an old Youger gun. It was loaded and accidentally went off. The bullet passed through a feather bed we had, through the hind end of our wagon and just glazed [grazed] Brother Stoddard's head. He was standing near his own wagon. He at once came to see what was wrong. He found the wagon full of smoke and feathers and David frightened nearly to death. After the wagon tongue was repaired we drove on to camp and joined the company. Upon arriving at the Missouri River we met immigrants who had come from different parts of the country and we were here organized into a larger company.

"But in traveling in this large company we were hindered considerably. Some of the men had never driven oxen before, others had only little experience and their troubles would hinder the whole train. Therefore, after a few days of travel with the train, our Company from St. Louis broke with the main company and traveled on ahead of them to Salt Lake. We were called The Independent Scotch Company. The only horses we had in our company were stolen by the Indians a few days after we left the main company. We all threw in to help the family along and we all arrived safely in Salt Lake, 5 October 1851, two weeks ahead of the big company of 1851.

After their arrival in Salt Lake, they were sent with a band of iron workers to settle the Iron Mission, and arrived in Cedar City on 11 November 1851, one of the first twelve families in that settlement. David Dunn Bulloch Autobiography

After creating brush wickiups and making camp, the settlers made a ditch to bring water near to where their wagons stood, and then a corral. They cut logs about three miles from the camp, and hauled them to the camp and built a meetinghouse along what would be the east side of the new settlement/fort. The corral was along the south edge. A survey was made and each family allocated 10 acres, which were then fenced and ditched. Guards were constantly set to watch for Indians,, but the town recorded no serious incidents. James Bulloch built a two-room cabin for the family. Robert's sister, Christina, had the responsibility for the household. >p>Robert and David worked and explored around Cedar City, claimed to be the first to ascend over Cedar Mountain, and felt they had laid claim to the entire mountain. After Utah achieved statehood, they were offered the land they had staked for one-dollar per acre. The record did not state what that outcome turned out to be.

Robert Bulloch (name recorded as Bullock) was a member of the initial San Juan Expedition, in which group he served as assistant to Silas Smith's as assistant captain, while they sought a way through northern Arizona to the San Juan River. After returning to Cedar City from the exploration trip by way of Moab, he did not participate with the Hole in the Rock colonizing company later in 1879. It appears that he spent the most of his life in Iron County. He and Maria had a total of ten children.

His home is Cedar City made the news in Salt Lake City's Deseret News, first in 1875 while it was under construction, deemed "the best architecturally in Iron County," and again in 1897 when he used the home as collateral to obtain funds for local teacher salaries. He and his brother, David, were business partners as cattlemen. In 1884, the Deseret News reported that 400 of his animals were not likely to survive the winter on Cedar Mountain, nor would another 400 belonging to a Nevada man, which were also in the herd.

In March 1902, Robert departed Cedar City to serve a mission in Scotland. After his arrival there he was able to visit the area of his childhood home. Unfortuantely, he became seriously ill, and returned to the United States aboard the S.S. Mayflower 3 June 1903 bound for Boston, arriving there 13 June 1903. Just three days after reaching Cedar City, Robert died in 1903, while Maria lived another twenty years and passed away 26 May 1923. Both are buried in Cedar City.


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Robert Bullock

Robert Bulloch

S.S. Mayflower

The S. S. Mayflower